Following the code of the course, the title of the course appears, accompanied by the number of credits, the weekly workload, the academic period in which the course will be taught, then appearing, when applicable, the prerequisites required for the course.

The courses that will be offered are published in the following link:

MBI 600 – Biology of Microorganisms 4 (4-0) I and II.

Molecular biology of microorganisms. Microbial Diversity. Metabolic Diversity and Microbial Ecology. Antimicrobial agents and pathogenicity. Microbiology applications.

MBI 601 – Advanced Virology 4 (4-0) II.

Introduction to virology. Classification and taxonomy. Structure of viruses and their components. Viral genome expression and replication strategies. Biology of virus-cell interaction. Infection process. Viral infection patterns. Vaccines and antiviral drugs. Ecology and evolution of viruses. Viruses and biotechnology.

MBI 610 – Physiology of Microorganisms 4 (4-0) I.

Teacher consent. Structure and function of microbial cells. Composition, organization and physiology of microbial cells. Transport of nutrients and protein secretion. Growth of cells and populations of microorganisms. Thermodynamics and energy conservation in biological systems. Introduction to cell bioenergetics. Electron transport. Bioenergetics in the cytosol. Classification of microbial metabolism. Central metabolic pathways (VMCs). Flow through VMCs. Fermentations. Autrophy. Mineral nutrition. Monomer biosynthesis. Polymers biosynthesis. Biomass yield. Regulation of metabolic reactions. Multigene networks and global regulation systems. Responses to nutrient limitation and effects of growth rate on cell physiology. Adaptive responses to the environment. Cellular communication and biofilms. Cell differentiation and morphogenesis.

MBI 611 – Laboratory of Physiology of Microorganisms 6 (0-6) I. MBI 610.

Evaluation of microbial growth: direct and indirect methods. Kinetics of microbial growth. Microbial nutrition: assimilation of nutrients. Energy production: breathing and fermentation. Analysis of microbial metabolism products. Environmental factors that affect microbial growth. Regulation of microbial metabolism. Microbial enzymes. Continuous culture. Analysis of experimental data.

MBI 620 – Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids 4 (4-0) I.

Structure and properties of nucleic acids. Genetic organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Recombinant DNA technology. Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

MBI 621 – Molecular Genetics and Microorganisms Laboratory 8 (0-8) II.

Extraction, purification and quantification of nucleic acids. Nucleic acid analysis. Computing applied to recombinant DNA technology. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Molecular cloning. Microbial transformation. Characterization of recombinants. Hybridization of nucleic acids.

MBI 622 – Genetics of Prokaryotic Microorganisms 4 (4-0) II.

Genetic organization. Chromosome replication and segregation. Transcription and translation. Cell cycle. Recombination. Plamids and transposons. Mutations and mutagens. DNA modification and repair. Virus. Mechanisms of DNA transfer.

MBI 623 – Genetics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms 4 (4-0) I.

Basic principles and terminology. Gene organization and regulation in fungi. Mycovirus. Mitochondria. Genetic transformation. Transposable elements. Mutation and mutagens. Gene silencing. Sexual cycle. Parassexical cycle. Biotechnological applications of fungi. Genetics of pathogen interaction: plant. Prediction of genes in eukaryotes. Prediction of regulatory and promoting regions. Genome mapping, assembly and comparison. Algorithms for analysis of gene expression in eukaryotes.

MBI 630 – Food Microbiology 4 (4-0) I.

Microbial stress response. Microbial behavior in foods subjected to different preservation methods. Biodeterioration processes of food. Mechanisms of pathogenicity. Main pathogens in food. Food quality management systems.

MBI 631 – Food Microbiology Laboratory 6 (0-6) I. MBI 630.

Biosafety and experimental work in microbiology laboratories. Evaluation of the activity and survival of microorganisms in food. Microbiological analysis of water and food. Fermentation methods of interest in food.

MBI 640 – Industrial Microbiology 4 (4-0) I.

Microbiology of fermentative processes. Cultivation of microorganisms of interest to industries. Microbial biosynthesis: products, mechanisms of action and regulation. Bioconversions. Obtaining genetically modified microorganisms.

MBI 650 – Soil Microbiology 4 (4-0) II.

The soil as an environment for microbial growth. Soil microorganisms. Carbon transformations. Nitrogen transformations. Mechanisms of other mineral transformations. Soil biological balance.

MBI 651 – Soil Microbiology Laboratory 6 (0-6) II.

Instrumentation of the soil microbiology laboratory. Collection, processing and storage of soil samples for analysis

BIO 600 – Analytical Methods in Biology 6 (2-4) I.

Visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Flame and plasma emission spectrophotometry. Radioisotopic techniques. Buffer solution and pH. Centrifugation. polyacrylamide gel. Conventional column chromatography. High performance column chromatography.

BIO 602 – Radioisotopes 3 (2-2) II.

Radioactivity and atomic disintegration. Interactions of radiation with matter. Detection of radiation. Errors in radioactive measurements. Autoradiography. Liquid scintillation spectrometry. Fundamentals of radiation hygiene and radiological protection. Analytical applications of radioisotopes.

BIO 610 – Cell Biology 4 (4-0) I and II.

The cell as a unit of biological activity. Methods of studying cells. Biomacromolecules. The cell surface. Endocytosis and intracellular digestion. Role of peroxisomes in cell physiology. Functional organization of mitochondria. Functional organization of chloroplasts. The cell nucleus. The cell cycle. The endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi complex. Cytoskeleton. The plant cell. Cell differentiation.

BIO 611 – Cell Biology Laboratory 7 (0-7) II. BIO 610 or Consent of the Discipline Coordinator

Light microscope – bright field. Fluorescence microscopy. Polarization microscopy. Phase contrast microscopy. Basics of confocal microscopy. Basics of image analysis and photomicroscopy. Preparation of solutions of frequent use in the processing of biological materials for microscopy. Processing of biological materials to prepare permanent sheets using methacrylate type resins. Cytochemistry. Basics of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Extraction and dosage of cellular chemical components. Visits to the laboratories involved with the processing and analysis of biological materials for light and electronic microscopy.

BIO 642 – Genomic Statistics 4 (4-0) I.

Biology in genomic genetics. Introduction to genomic genetics. Genomic statistics. Estimation Methods and Estimators. Mapping functions. Single loco model. Two locus model – Controlled intersections. Liaison Groups. QTL mapping. Use of computational applications for QTL mapping and analysis.

BIO 645 – Organization of the Genome and Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes 4 (4-0) II.

Genome organization and gene structure in eukaryotes. Mechanisms for controlling gene expression in eukaryotes. Methodologies used in the study of gene expression regulation

BIO 647 – Quantitative Genetics 4 (4-0) II.

Continuous variation. Genotypic and genetic values. Components of the genotypic variance. Topics in estimation of variance components. Genotypic variances between and within populations structured into families. Genetic designs and estimation of components of genotypic variance. Heritability. Genotypic correlation. Selection.

BIO 649 – Molecular Phylogeny 4 (2-2) II.

Molecular biology and bioinformatics techniques applied to the study of phylogenies. Molecular evolution. Phylogenies constructed by geometric methods and statistical tests. Maximum thrift method. Maximum likelihood method. Bayesian inference of phylogenies.

BIO 650 – Cellular Immunology 4 (4-0) I.

Cells and tissues of the immune system. Basic immunology techniques. The main histocompatibility complex. The T lymphocyte. Cellular immune response. Effector mechanisms of cellular immunity. Immunology and disease. Advanced topics in immunology.

BIO 671 – Molecular Virology 4 (4-0) I.

Macromolecules: structure and replication. Molecular aspects of the replication of animal viruses of the RNA genome. Molecular aspects of the replication of animal viruses of the DNA genome. Prions.

BQI 600 – General Biochemistry 4 (4-0) I.

Proteins and enzymes. Nucleic acids and biosynthesis of macromolecules. Carbohydrates, lipids and membranes. Cellular Metabolism.

BQI 601 – Biochemical Methods 4 (4-0) I.

PH measurement and control. Methods of analysis and quantification of macromolecules. Methods for purifying macromolecules.

BQI 602 – Biosafety 4 (4-0) I.

Biosafety. Risk concepts. Biosafety levels and standards. Handling, storage and disposal of potentially pathogenic radioisotopes, chemicals and biologicals. Biosafety in human, animal and plant experimentation. Immunizations applied to workers in biohazardous areas. Biosafety in analysis, teaching and research laboratories, hospitals and in the handling of animals. Equipment and laboratory design for different levels of biosafety. Biosafety conduct and standards in the event of risks and emergencies. Transport of samples and biological substances.

BQI 610 – Bioenergetics 4 (4-0) II.

Quantitative bioenergetics. Mitochondrial respiratory chain. Transduction of chemosmotic energy. ATP synthase. Photosynthesis. Energetics of the transport of ions and metabolites across membranes.

BQI 620 – Enzymology 4 (4-0) II.

Enzyme structure. Enzymes as biological catalysts. Classification of enzymes. Enzymatic kinetics. Methods for graphing enzymatic kinetics data. Enzymatic inhibition. Allosteric and multi-site enzymes. Enzyme purification.

BQI 630 – Cellular Biochemistry 4 (4-0) II.

The prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Genome structure, composition and complexity. Genetic mechanisms. The flow of genetic information in the cell. Gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Control of gene expression. Composition, structure and function of membranes. Energy conversion: mitochondrium and chloroplast. Transduction of cellular signals.

BQI 632 – Molecular Epidemiology Applied to Infectious and Parasitic Agents 4 (4-0) II.

Principles of molecular epidemiology. Laboratory and conventional methods used in epidemiological studies. Molecular techniques most used for the study of infectious and parasitic diseases. Analysis of electrophoresis patterns. Distinction of pathovars through molecular methods. Similarity analysis and relationships between strains. Epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation. Emerging bacterial diseases. Emerging viral diseases. Application of typing methods based on sequences. Analysis of epidemiological studies. Use of software in molecular epidemiology. Examples of molecular epidemiology applied to the study of infectious and parasitic agents in humans, animals and plants. Models of epidemiological studies of infections by multidrug-resistant microorganisms.

BQI 642 – Ecological Biochemistry 4 (4-0) II.

Basic metabolism and origin of secondary metabolites. Importance of secondary metabolites. Chemical communication, constructive defense / adaptive defense. Biochemical adaptation of plants to the environment. The biochemistry of pollination. Biochemical interaction between plant-microorganism. Biochemical interaction between plant-plant. Biochemical interaction between plant-insect. Biochemical interaction between plant-vertebrate. Plant toxins and their effects on animals.

BQI 650 – Protein Structures and Functions 4 (4-0) II.

Protein structures. Techniques for the study of proteins. Protein maturation. Protein folding. Protein prediction and design. Determination of the conformational structure of proteins. Protein stability, denaturation and inactivation. Protein groups.

BQI 700 – Structures and Functions of Macromolecules 4 (4-0) II.

Structures and functions of carbohydrates and methods of analysis. Structures, functions and properties of lipids. Structures and functions of proteins and enzymes. Structures and functions of nucleic acids.

BQI 701 – Mass Spectrometry Applied to Biomolecule Analysis 4 (4-0) I.

Mass spectrometry. Mass analyzers. Sequencing and identification of peptides and proteins. Multidimensional and MS separation techniques. Protein quantification by MS. Bioinformatics tools. Analysis of metabolites by LC / MSn. Analysis of lipids and nucleic acids.

BQI 730 – Nucleic Acid Biochemistry 4 (4-0) I.

Nucleic acid structures. Nucleic acid analysis. Interactions between nucleic acids and proteins. Eukaryotic genome: chromosome organization. Synthesis of chromatin DNA-replication. Eukaryotic transcription control. RNA processing and post-transcriptional control. Regulatory RNA. Regulation of protein biosynthesis. Cell signaling.

BQI 735 – Experimental Molecular Phylogeography 4 (0-4) I.

Molecular phylogeography: a new discipline. Sampling strategies for phylogeographic studies. Preparation of molecular databases. Preparation of georeferenced databases. Diversity measures and neutrality tests. Analysis by Bayesian statistics. Anal

BVE 671 – Nutrition and Metabolism of Plants 3 (3-0) II.

Use of carbohydrates, lipids and reserve proteins. Breathing. Cell wall biosynthesis. Greening. Carbon economy. Acquisition and assimilation of nitrogen

BVE 674 – Plant Ecophysiology 3 (3-0) II.

Plant in the ecosystem. Radiation in the ecosystem. Use and cycling of mineral elements. Water in the plant and the ecosystem. Interaction between plants: competition.

EST 620 – Applied Statistics 4 (2-2) I and II.

Experiment planning. Hypothesis testing. Contrasts. Analysis of Variance. Experimental designs. Procedures for multiple comparisons. Linear regression models. Factorial experiments. Experiments in subdivided plots. Response surface. Analysis of groups of experiments.

EST 622 – Experimental Statistics I 4 (2-2) I and II.

Experiment planning. Experiments with a sample. Experiment with two samples. Analysis of variance. Regression analysis. Factorial design. Experiment with subdivided plot. Response surface. Triple factorial. Mixing experiment. Factorial with two levels per factor.

EST 630 – Statistical Methods I 4 (2-2) I and II.

Mathematical hope. Variance and Covariance. Hypothesis testing. Estimation of parameters. Regression analysis. Test of identity of regression models. Correlation analysis.

EST 631 – Statistical Methods II 4 (2-2) I and II.

Experimental designs with emphasis on components of variance. Data transformation. Experiments in subdivided plots. Factorial experiments. Response surface.

EST 633 – Statistics in Quality Control 4 (4-0) I.

Presentation of statistical software. Introduction to experimentation. Acceptance sampling. Reliability analysis. Exploratory data analysis. Control charts. Experiments with a factor of interest. Complete and fractional factorial experiments. Response surface. Mixing experiments. Notions of multivariate analysis.

FIP 606 – Experimental techniques in Plant Pathology 4 (2-2) I.

Basic statistics. Scientific methodology. Choice of designs and analysis of variance of experiments conducted in laboratory, greenhouses and in the field in different areas of Plant Pathology. Regression analysis and correlation applied to Plant Pathology. Multivariate analysis. Computer software for statistical analysis

FIP 608 – Methods in Plant Pathology 5 (1-4) I.

Research and organization of bibliographic information. Scientific writing. Equipment and sterilization methods. Safety in a Plant Pathology Laboratory. Fungal nutrition and culture media preparation. Isolation and storage of plant pathogens. Inoculation of plant with different pathogens. Quantification of diseases. Electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids. Light microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy. Confocal microscopy. Technical photomicrography and photography.

FIP 610 – Mycology 6 (2-4) I.

Evolution, systematics and fungi classification. Fungal genetics. Fungal physiology. Fungi from the Protista Kingdom. Fungi from the Chromista/Straminipila Kingdom. Fungi from the Fungi Kingdom. Control of fungal diseases.

FIP 630 – Virology 4 (2-2) I.

History and importance of plant virology. Symptoms induced by plant viruses in plants. Morphology and structure. Viral replication strategies. Cell-to-cell and long distance movement. Infectious sub-viral agents. Natural transmission. Control of plant viruses.

FIP 640 – Bacteriology 4 (2-2) II.

History and economic importance. Anatomy and morphology of the bacterial cell: immunology, metabolism and growth of bacteria and major recombination processes. Taxonomy of bacteria. Symptomatology. Penetration, colonization, multiplication and movement of bacteria on diseased tissues and histopathological aspects of the colonization process. Seed pathology in bacteriology. Survival and spreading of bacteria: life cycle and its implications for spread and survival. Bacterial diseases and their control methods.

FIP 701 – Host-Parasite Interaction 4 (4-0) I.

Importance of studying the host-pathogen interactions. Plant cell. Events of pathogenesis. Enzymes. Toxins. Physiological changes on plants during the infection process of pathogens. Mechanisms of host resistance against pathogens. Induced host resistance.

FIP 750 – Host Resistance to Plant Diseases 3 (2-2) II. FIP 608 and FIP 650.

Variability in plant pathogens. Mechanisms of variation in bacteria and fungi. Genetics of plant pathogenic fungi. Physiological specialization. Concept of races, strains and biotypes. Gene interaction between pathogen and host: the gene-to-gene theory. Molecular markers in the genetics of plant pathogens and plants resistant to diseases: Fflp, isoenzymes and allozyme. Vertical and horizontal resistance. Multiline concept. Inheritance of resistance factors. Nature of resistance: morphological, physiological and biochemical.

FIP 760 – Principles and Methods in Microscopy 6 (2-4) II.

History of the Electron Microscopy. Operating principles of the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Ultramicrotomy. Transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy. Photodocumentation.

FIT 611 – Mineral Nutrition of Plants 4 (3-2) I and II.

Use of hydroponic cultivation in research and conducting an experiment. Absorption, transport, metabolism and functions of mineral nutrients. Mineral composition and diagnosis of the nutritional status of plants.

LET 610 – Instrumental English I 4 (4-0) I and II.

Vocabulary analysis. Study of linguistic structures. Characteristics of academic discourse. Application of reading techniques and understanding of technical and scientific texts.

QUI 633 – Physical Methods for Identifying Organic Compounds 4 (4-0) II.

Spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible region (UV-VIS). Infrared (IV) spectroscopy. Mass spectrometry (EM). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Elucidation of the organic decomposed structure by analyzing data from UV-VIS, IV, EM and NMR.

QUI 634 – Chemistry of Natural Products 4 (4-0) I.

Primary metabolism. Study of metabolic routes through 13C NMR. Metabolites derived from acetate. Metabolites derived from mevalonate: isoprenoids. Metabolites derived from chiquimic acid. Metabolites derived from amino acids. Metabolites of mixed origin.

QUI 635 – High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Gas Chromatography 4 (4-0) I.

Introduction to chromatographic methods. Definition and separation principles of high performance liquid chromatography. Advantages and limitations of high performance liquid chromatography. Chromatographic parameters. Instrumentation of a high-performance liquid chromatograph. Applications of high performance liquid chromatography. Definition and principles of gas chromatography separation. Advantages and limitations of gas chromatography. Instrumentation of a gas chromatograph. Derivatization of samples to be analyzed by gas chromatography. Gas chromatography applications.

QUI 673 – Environmental Chemistry 4 (3-2) I. QUI 310 or Consent of the Discipline Coordinator.

Pollutant chemistry in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Vegetation and aquatic animals as indicators of pollution. Effects of physico-chemical parameters on the mobility and bioavailability of aquatic pollutants. Removal of toxic chemical residues from agricultural and industrial sources from contaminated waters. Analytical aspects of the identification of toxic chemical species. Pollutant geochemistry.

QUI 750 – Thermodynamics in Equilibrium 4 (4-0) I.

Nature and limitation of thermodynamics in equilibrium. The concept of chemical equilibrium. The principle of energy conservation. Entropy and disorder: generalized canonical formulation. The principle of minimizing potentials.

QUI 752 – Physical Chemistry of Colloidal Systems 4 (4-0) II. QUI 750 or subject coordinator’s consent

Fundamental principles. Adsorption phenomena. Condensed interfaces. Formation of dispersed systems. Kinetic properties of dispersed systems. Electrical properties of dispersed systems. Lyophilic colloidal systems. Lyophobic colloidal systems.

SOL 645 – Forest Soils 4 (3-2) I.

Conceptualization of forest soils. Soils and forestry and tree nutrition in the face of environmental problems. Soils associated with forest biomes. Productivity and classification of forest sites. Dynamics of forest growth. Soil properties and forest growth. Biomass and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Mineral nutrition of forest species. Fertilizing forests: nursery and field. Fertilization of forest species. Intensive forest management and sustaining soil productivity.

SOL 670 – Soil Fertility 5 (5-0) I.

Soil fertility in the historical and current context. Usual concepts in soil fertility. Nutrients in the soil-solution continuum. Soil acidity and its correction. Nitrogen. Phosphor. Potassium. Sulfur. Micronutrients. Fertility assessment by chemical soil analysis. Improved fertility soils. Nutritional diagnosis of plants. Mathematical modeling on soil fertility.

SOL 771 – Soil Fertility Assessment 6 (2-4) II.

Soil fertility. Available elements. Fertilization laws. Reliability of recommendations. Assessment methods. Chemical Soil Analysis. Theory and fundamentals. Sampling. Factors intensity, quantity and buffer capacity. Correlation and calibration methods. Soil correction. Leaf diagnosis. Advantages and limitations. Sampling. Analysis processes. Interpretation methods. Experimental Techniques of Biological Tests. In a greenhouse. Microparticles. Field experiments. Response curves and surfaces. Economic analysis. Fertilization Recommendation.

TAL 601 – Food Biochemistry 4 (3-1) II.

Study of water in food. Carbohydrates. Proteins in food. Enzyme in food. Lipids in food. Stabilizers, emulsifiers and other additives used in the food industry.

TAL 615 – Biochemical Engineering 6 (2-4) II.

Introduction. Enzyme Kinetics. Introduction to reactor analysis. Substrate use kinetics, product formation and Biomass production in cell cultures. Analysis and design of bioreactors. Simulation of biological processes. Introduction of immobilized biocatalyst systems. Product introduction and recovery operations.

TAL 616 – Milk and Dairy Microbiology 6 (2-4) I.

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect the development of microorganisms in milk. Microbiology of processes in the milk production chain. Dairy and lactic cultures. Process control. Biological risks in the dairy industry. Studies of fermentative processes in milk

TAL 660 – Food Analysis 6 (2-4) II.

Analysis and sampling methods. Quality assurance system in food analysis laboratories. Standard solutions. Analytical determinations involving pH measurements and titratable acidity. Determination of humidity (or total water) and fixed mineral residue (RMF). Extraction and quantification of total lipids. Protein determination. Determination of carbohydrates. Spectometry. Instrumental color analysis. Indexes based on density and refractometry. Chromatography.

TAL 663 – Control of Bacterial Adhesion Process in the Food Industry 4 (4-0) I.

Adhesion and formation of bacterial biofilms. Quality and water treatment in the food industry. Removal of residues on food processing surfaces. Detergents for the control of bacterial adhesion processes. Sanitizers for the control of bacterial adhesion processes. Laboratory evaluation of detergents and sanitizers. Evaluation of the hygiene procedure in the food industry

TAL 757 – Technology of Lactic Culture Production 5 (1-4) II. Even Years. MBI 630 or TAL 616 or Consent of the Discipline Coordinator.

Historical aspects of fermentation. Types of starter cultures in the production of fermented dairy products and probiotics. Industrial application and production of starter and NSLAB crops. Production of acidity and flavor in dairy products. Desirable and undesirable fermentations in fermented products. Biosafety of lactic cultures. Assessment methods of lactic cultures and presence of bacteriophages. Use of lactic cultures in non-dairy ecosystems.

ZOO 601 – Physiology of Digestion 3 (3-0) I. VET 110.

Theories of intake regulation. Digestive system. Saliva, salivary glands. Deglutition, eructation, rumination. Esophagus. Reticle. Rumen, “omasum” and “abomaso”. Stomach, gastric secretion. Small intestine, large intestine, anus. Liver, gallbladder, bile, pancreas, pancreatic secretion. Hormones of the digestive system. Digestion. Absorption and transport of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Methods for determining the digestibility and availability of nutrients.

ZOO 641 – Ruminant Nutrition I 3 (3-0) II.

Classification of ruminants. Rumen microbiology. Use of carbohydrates by ruminants. Use of protein and non-protein compounds by ruminants. Lipids in ruminant nutrition. Main functions of minerals in the rumen. Synthesis of B-complex vitamins.