Research Areas

Area 1: Genetics, physiology and microorganisms ecology.
Gene expression regulation and global regulatory mechanisms. Pathogenicity and virulence factors. Microbial genomes analysis. Microbial growth and fermentative processes. Metabolic and metabolomic flow. Microbial communities associated with water, soil, plants and animals development and structure. Biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Interactions between microorganisms populations. Nutrient cycling and biogeochemical cycles. Antimicrobials. Microorganisms with plants and animals biological associations.


Area 2: Processes and microbiologic products.
Isolation, selection, and improvement of mycelial fungi, yeast, bacteria and viruses and development of processes for the production of cells, enzymes, proteins and metabolites of interest for the agricultural and environmental industry. Development of methods for detection and control of pathogenic microorganisms, food deteriorators, and antibiotic-resistant.