1. Registration must be made at the Secretariat of the Department of Microbiology, Ed. Chotaro Shimoya, Room 141, with the Program Secretary, Ms. Letícia Monteiro da Silva Freitas, on the date indicated on the school calendar (http: // www. res.ufv.br/?page_id=275).
2. The documents required for registration are:
Study Plan, duly filled with the subjects to be taken and signed by the advisor;
Printed registration form (the same used for enrolling in the program);
Certified copy of the diploma or certificate of completion of the course;
Certified copy of school transcripts;
Birth or marriage certificate;
Military document (only for Brazilian men);
Voter title (Brazilians only) ;;
Identity card (R.G);
Photo 3 × 4;
Proof of payment of the registration fee (or request for exemption).
NOTE: Upon presentation of the original document, authentication can be done by the PPGMBA secretary.
3. Information on financial support (scholarships) must be obtained directly from the Program Coordination.
4. New students must take the English Language Proficiency Exam.
OBS.1: The exam can be replaced by TOEFL, according to annex I.
There is also the possibility to take advantage of English courses or internships abroad, or discipline taken in the master’s degree, at the discretion of the Coordination.
ANNEX I – Exames-de-Proficiência