Event presents the power of fermented food to Viçosa’s community
The first edition of the Feira Fermentamóvel will be held by the Department of Microbiology, with the support of the Department of Nutrition and Health and the Graduate Program in Agricultural Microbiology (PPGMBA), next Friday and [...]
Scientists present their entrepreneurial history at Microbiota Brasil
This week, the Continuing Education Program of the Graduate Program in Agricultural Microbiology turns its attention to the entrepreneurial history of Microbiota Brasil. The company is connected to TecnoPARQ-UFV and offers training, technical support, testing [...]
PPG discusses the challenges of entrepreneurship in Brazilian science
The perspectives and challenges experienced by Brazilian scientists seeking to become entrepreneurs are the subject of several actions that the PPG Agricultural Microbiology is starting this week. The second episode of MicroVerso, the PPG's podcast, [...]
Department of Microbiology opens a call for professor
Applications are now open for the public competition to hire a professor for the Department of Microbiology at UFV. The notice is available at this link. The competition offers a Class A Professor position, with [...]